Member of the Foro de Firmas Interamericanas

A partir de abril de 2020, nuestra Firma ha sido aceptada como miembro del Foro de Firmas Interamericanas. Asimismo, nuestro Socio Director ha sido designado como representante por Bolivia ante la Comisión de Control de Calidad de la AIC.



The Foro de Firmas Interamericanas (FFI-AIC), it is an entity under the umbrella of the Asociación Interamericana de Contabilidad (AIC), which brings together legally established companies or firms engaged in audits and other areas related to insurance in the Inter-American region.

Established with the purpose of contributing to the achievement of the mission and objectives of the AIC, to promote a strong and coherent profession in the Americas. It fosters the comprehensive professional development of certified public accountants (auditors), enabling them to provide services of the highest quality to users. This is done with a sense of responsibility to society through ethical and competent practice, ensuring public trust through a sincere exchange of fraternal coexistence.
