Roberto. V. Huanca B.
Quality Review Partner
Acreditaciones y certificados
MBA, University of Cambridge
CPA, New York
Boris R. Rentería F.
Socio Tax and Legal
Abogado acreditado por el Ministerio de Gobierno de Bolivia, profesional adscrito al Colegio de Auditores de Bolivia en calidad de asesor legal para temas tributarios. Cuenta con más de 25 años de experiencia, especialista en...
Juan Carlos Tacachira T.
Managing Partner
Contador Público Autorizado y Contador General, miembro adscrito de la comisión de Control de Calidad de la Asociación Interamericana de Contabilidad (AIC) y Presidente del Consejo Técnico Departamental de Auditoria y Contabilidad CAULP. Cuenta con...
Corina V. Flores C.
Outsourcing Partner
Certified Public Accountant member of the Institute of Public Accountants of Bolivia, has more than 8 years of experience in the execution of outsourcing, business management and tax compliance services. Currently she is in charge...
Roberto. V. Huanca B.
Quality Review Partner
Certified Public Accountant member of the Institute of Public Accountants of Bolivia, has more than 25 years of experience in the execution of audit services as a partner of IEC.Net for Bolivia. He currently works...